Over 150 Students Take Next Steps Towards 2023 Students2Work
Over 150 students will proceed to the next step this week in earning a spot for this year’s Students2Work internships. Under the guidance of the Workplace Learning Committee of the Chamber’s Business Education Advisory Council and chaired by Grace Helms, AVP with SRPFCU, over 20 volunteers will conduct student interviews and parent orientations at Augusta Technical College. In order to qualify for an interview, students must have completed on application regarding their education and goals. The interview will help students develop their interaction with a potential employer and offer an opportunity to share information about themselves. A new interview response database has been developed by Committee member James Riley with Forward Dataworks to capture scores and then integrate with the students applications. “Grace and the Committee that stands behind the Students2Work Program has done so with 2023 being their sixth year. We look forward to making announcements within the next two weeks about student placements and we cannot believe the support we have had from the business community to take these students into their businesses for 6 weeks beginning the first week of June”. This year’s Students2Work Program is estimated to bring an investment $175,000 towards career development for high school juniors and seniors in the Richmond County School System. Every high school with the System has students applying for internships.