All About the Mission - September 20
For the first time since 2019, the CSRA DC Leadership Trip was back in action last week in Washington, DC. A delegation of private and public sector leaders from 4 chambers across 2 states arrived in DC last Tuesday and by Thursday, had crossed off quite a few to-do items from the list in advocating for our region.
Central to the trip are the top economic and policy issues most important to our community that we discuss with state departments and elected officials. They include the pressing needs for infrastructure projects such as a permanent solution to the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam and the need to alleviate traffic congestion and improve commuter times surrounding Ft. Gordon. Missions at both Savannah River Site and Ft. Gordon are always important issues to discuss with members of Congress and we were pleased to report the considerable progress at Plant Vogtle and its imminent timeline for power generation during this year’s trip.
While a House floor vote preempted the group from meeting with a number of congressmen, all 4 senators representing Georgia and S. Carolina spent time with the group to share information about their policy initiatives as well as how they are helping to advocate for the same issues we were there to discuss. Prior to meeting with the Senators, small groups of our delegation met with Senate staff to update them on the latest news from the region as well the details of how we need their support to help our needs become reality.
While for most of us, wrapping our heads around the ever-present political discourse in DC can be overwhelming, but it cannot stand in the way of advocating for this region’s priorities. And, that requires showing up in person. Our thanks go out to every member on the team this year that took time from their jobs and their businesses to represent our region. You are all about the mission!