All About the Mission - August 2
While many communities across the U.S. do “DC Fly-ins”, there aren’t many that can brag about a 4-chamber, 2-state delegation with a common mission. After a 2-year hiatus, the CSRA DC Leadership Trip is back on with a delegation of 25 participants representing the Augusta Metro, Aiken, Columbia County and N. Augusta Chambers. The 2-day trip will cover meetings on Capitol Hill with the states’ 4 senators and 3 congressmen representing the CSRA Region.
The importance of this trip cannot be overstated. When business people take the time to travel to DC to talk about the issues that are important to their communities, it makes a statement. The value of meeting one on one with members of Congress and taking the conversation to the nation’s capitol is one of the most effective ways for the voice of our community to be heard. And, while meeting with the Senators and Congressmen representing our region is the priority, our delegation will also be meeting with congressional staff to ensure the topics we are there to discuss are clear.
In addition to meetings on Capitol Hill, the DC team will also receive updates from experts on current monetary policy and the rate of inflation, energy policy including oil price projections, continued supply chain snarls globally and the changing labor market conditions. The group will also visit the Department of Energy for discussions related to Savannah River Site. It is a packed agenda over the 3 days the delegation will be in DC but one of the most important activities all of our regional chambers can say is all about the mission.