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Women In Business, February 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EST)
4 Seats Remaining

Event Details

Powered from the Inside: Maintaining a Balanced, Healthy Lifestyle


 According to a 2018 IFIC survey on Food and Health, among the top three benefits sought from our diet is increased energy and brain function; but, over half of us are also confused with the abundance of information and options available making us doubt choices in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Factor in time constraints and being pulled in multiple directions, as well, and it’s increasingly difficult to maintain a balance.

This afternoon’s guest speaker, Kimberly Beavers, Registered Dietician Nutritionist, University Hospital, will share a focused and strategic approach to overcome obstacles for a balanced, healthy and energized lifestyle.


Guest Speaker

Kim Beavers is a registered dietitian nutritionist, author, and speaker.  Ms. Beavers specializes in wellness, diabetes management and culinary nutrition. Additionally, she is the co-host of Eating Well with Kim on WRDW where she translates nutrition recommendations into actionable steps and delicious food. Follow her on Facebook, @eatingwellwithkimb, to receive recipe alerts. 



Tuesday, February 19, 11:30 am

The Legends Club



Advanced Reservations Required. Deadline Friday, February 15.


Women in Business brings together & supports professional women to encourage and empower the business community.




**Cancellation Policy: We require 72-hours advance notice to cancel reservations and avoid charges. Unmet reservations will be invoiced. You may send a guest in your place as a substitute; please notify us by emailing no later than 1 day prior to the event.

For More Information:

Zee Baker
Zee Baker
Stacie Social


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